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wild honey

Wild honey

wild honey

These days, the word wild honey is often found on the Internet, which is also called mountain or forest honey.

And some people claim that they have wild honey and they get it from the rocks in the mountains or from the trunks of the trees in the forest.
They mean that this honey is not made by bees in the hive.
This mountain or forest honey has countless properties and is much better than the honey in the hive.

raw propolis

Raw Bee propolis

raw propolis

Propolis is a substance similar to beeswax and produced by bees.
Its shape is a sticky paste with a pleasant odor that its color varies from green to dark brown.
The color and aroma of propolis are different in different regions and its characteristics depend on the type of plants in each region.
There is many products based on propolis.

pure honey for sale

Pure honey

pure honey for sale

One of the attractions of beekeeping is the variety of work. Beekeepers are trying to increase their profits from beekeeping by producing a variety of products and thus increasing their hives.

One of the bee products is natural honey. This product itself has a lot of variety.

this following reasons divide natural honey to the variety types of honey:

– Types of honey based on production time
– production area
– color
– and based on how it is produced and extracted

bee pollen

Bee pollen granules

bee pollen

These colorful golden pollens are made by creative bees.
Depending on the flower they pick up, make different colors of bee pollen.
#Organic_products are always one step ahead of chemical products due to the lack of harm.

honey bee

Honey bee facts

honey bee

it is interesting to know,In all animals, the number of chromosomes of male and female animals is equal
And the bee is the only animal whose chromosomal structure is different from other animals Because
the female bee has 16 pairs of chromosomes while the male bee has 16 single chromosomes.

bee venom

What does bee venom do?

bee venom

Bee venom is a colorless, acidic liquid. Bees excrete it through their stingers into a target when they feel threatened.

What does bee venom do?

Bee sting venom contains proteins that affect skin cells and the immune system, causing pain and swelling around the sting area.

In people with a bee sting allergy, bee venom can trigger a more-serious immune system reaction.

bee propolis

Bee propolis

bee propolis

Propolis is a substance similar to beeswax and produced by bees.

Its shape is a sticky paste with a pleasant odor that its color varies from green to dark brown

The color and aroma of propolis are different in different regions and its characteristics depend on the type of plants in each region.

There is many products based on propolis.