Top Honey Importing Countries+ Import of Honey to EU

There are different regions and countries are present in the world , which hold the overwhelming beauty of the natural items and among all of them honey production is great prominence.

Further ,honey is the foodstuff , which has done a great progress since the old days and are still making a great prominence trade around the globe. There are various countries which are doing the importation of honey in the world.

first, let’s pay attention to the following clip about it:

Top 10 Honey Importing Countries

The list of the exporting countries is quite high. This shows that the importing countries hold different price rates as well , which is very valuable fact.

Honey is highly imported by the diverse countries of the world which we all can see in the trade, as the trade of honey is getting high day by day. The usage of honey shows the high production rate of it too.

Honey needs honeybees and these insects need flowers to suck the amount of nectar for the production of honey. Further, honey importers are widely expanded in the world as well.

importing honey

As you can see in the chart above, 9 out of 15 countries are in the European Union.

Import Honey European Union

Europe is the second largest honey producer in the world after China. There are currently 17 million hives in European countries. These hives produce more than two hundred thousand tons of honey per year.

But this amount of European honey is not responsive to domestic consumption. That’s why Europe have to import honey.

honey producer in the world

In 2017, top honey importing countries were European countries. Honey imports in the European countries accounted for more than 48% of the world’s imported honey.

Furthermore, world honey production statistics 2019 , vary differently in the countries. The high trade of honey show us that there are some countries which are famous in the export of the purest form of honey in the world and importers of honey are vastly and widely seen in trade as well.

European Union Standards For Honey

Honey is not a simple edible item. in fact, it holds different various things in it like different compounds and other elements which are of great importance for the healthy life.

European Union Standards For Honey

Markets hold different kinds of honey, which is something widely seen in the world. The kinds of honey, may differ in color, taste as well as viscosity. As we all know that not all kinds of honey are good in quality, and the best form of honey is demanded by people mostly.

Further, the high rate of trade of the items like honey, is extremely great and this is a very important point in the popularity of honey.

EU Honey Import Requirements and Regulations

Importing any food to the EU requires some of the requirements and regulations. Honey needs to be considered as one of the products of an animal and of course as a food.

EU Honey Import Requirements

Having health certification is the first requirement for import to Europe. Honey can only get a chance to import to EU only if it has a health certification.

Between the European countries, the amount of honey production in Germany is high. Of the 200,000 tonnes of honey produced in Europe, more than 20,000 tonnes of honey are produced in Germany. But Germany, like all EU countries, has to import honey.

Honey imports to Norway require that this product has certain standards. Norway is one of the countries that has many regulation to import food. Only  that kind of honey that is compatible with Norwegian regulation can enter the market of that country.

EU Honey Import Regulations

Honey Import Netherlands

Netherlands is an independent state located in the European countries. Although Netherlands is a wealthy country, the amount of honey production in the country is very low.

That’s why Netherlands is bound to import honey. Most of the import of honey in Netherlands comes from honey produced in the European countries.

Most European countries, on the one hand, are producing honey, and on the other hand they are importers of honey.

The amount of honey production in Ireland is not high. That’s why a large amount of honey imports to Europe comes to Ireland. Of course, only honey that has the standard of Ireland regulations have permission to enter to the country.

Honey Import Netherlands

UK Honey Import Regulations

UK honey import regulations vary based on the country where the export is from. The regulations and requirements for honey from non-European countries are very strict. If imported from one non-European country, you must in the first place have a health certificate.

Honey is known in the definition of the United Kingdom as a food of “animal origin”. That is, it is a product that is derived from an animal or an insect.

The only honey that can enter to the UK is the one that has health certificate. An official inspector in the country of origin must sign this certificate.

UK honey import has so many restrictions specially for non EU countries. Two factors are so important in UK honey import. One is the quality of imported honey, which should have a very high quality.

Honey Import Regulations

And the other is the food safety that each imported honey must have these two factors. Imported honey in the UK should also be tested in a variety of ways.

Import Duty Honey UK

Import duty is a tax that must be paid for import into a country. All food imported into the UK has a specific import duty. UK is one of the countries that import a large portion of honey per year. The UK has a specific import duty for honey from different countries.

As you know, European countries have a small amount of honey export to various countries along with import of honey. Among European countries Bulgaria produces between 10,000 and 15,000 tons of honey per year . Importing honey from Bulgaria is usually done to countries like the UK.

Bulgaria is one of Britain’s largest trading partners. This country exports a lot of products to Britain annually. In 2016, Britain was the sixth country to import Bulgarian products. This shows how well the two countries are cooperating with each other in importing and exporting different products.

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