fake honey

These honeys are poisonous!

fake honey

fake honey is The issue that threatens the global honey market.

Every year, a large amount of fake honey is produced and sold on the market, and it causes a lot of damage to beekeepers. Also it is a serious threat to the health of families.With a simple internet search, you will find different ways to distinguish real honey from fake, but unfortunately, it is difficult to recognize fake honey, so the best way to recognize it is to analyze in a laboratory.
Honey fraudsters use water, sugar and lemon juice and boil it to prepare a thick and sweet substance and add a little natural or synthetic wax, with some various essential oils and sell it as original organic honey.


royal jelly wholesale price

Royal Jelly bulk price in international market

royal jelly wholesale price

The price of a organic substance such as Royal Jelly depends on several factors. First of all, the quality of Royal Jelly is the most important factor in determining its price. The higher quality equals the higher price.

Second factor is which country has produced this product and what is the production capacity of that country. For example, the price of China Royal Jelly is much cheaper than Iran.

The price of Royal Jelly in world markets is variable and last year was the highest price of this product.

So the price depends on these things, but if you want to sell Royal Jelly in the global market, the quality of your product must be within the standard to get a good price and be welcomed.

Carrot Marmalade jam

Carrot Marmalade jam for sale | where to buy carrot jam wholesale

Carrot jam is one of the most delicious jam you can find in the market. Carrots can be considered the most commonly used vegetable in the preparation of jam. The best carrot marmalade jam should be made of juicy and delicious carrots.

Carrot marmalade jam is one of the products that we make using carrots. In fact, making jam of carrot is one of the ways to keep this fruit in long time. Carrot jam is usually used for breakfast and evening meal. Most of the children are carrot jam lovers.

The above clip is the process of making carrot jam in Roodin Group:

Best Carrot Marmalade Jam Recipe | How To Prepare Carrot Jam

As said before, the jam was originally prepared for the purpose of preserving the properties of various fruits for a long time. So what is carrot jam? How do you make carrot jam? how to make carrot marmalade?

As carrot jam introduction we can say carrot jam history shows that one of the most popular jams is carrot jam, which is usually consumed at breakfast and evening meal.

Making carrot jam is so easy and there is so many homemade carrot jam recipes. If you looking best recipe for carrot marmalade keep read this:

Best carrot jam

  1. First of all, wash, peel off and cut or grate carrots.
  2. Boil them with ½ liter of water, and stir it till there is no more water.
  3. Then you should add some sugar, cinnamon and fresh lemon juice.
  4. At the end proceed immediately to put into jam jars, so that is it.

This recipe is carrot & lemon jam or carrot lemon marmalade. You can add other fruits in this jam as you wish, like carrot apricot jam, carrot saffron jam, carrot orange jam, carrot pear jam, carrot pineapple marmalade or ginger carrot jam.

There is various carrot jam simple recipe in different cultures like carrot jam Iran, you can even make carrot jam with honey, carrot jam without sugar or low sugar carrot jam.

Middle eastern carrot jam

Middle eastern carrot jam | Persian or Iranian carrot jam

As we said before carrot jam is one of the most popular jam in the world, especially it is so favorite in the middle east. This has led to the production of this kind of jam in these countries.

Because of that, middle eastern carrot jam suppliers are the best in the world. As you know, practice makes it perfect.

Carrot jam is one of the varieties of vegetable jams that has a lot of fans in Asian countries and they have various recipe for carrot jam. Persian carrot jam is one of the most famous types of it. In recipe of carrot jam Persian, various spices are commonly used.

Persian carrot jam process

For example, rose water is one of the spices that has a very pleasant aroma that makes carrot jam spring flakes. Another spice used to make carrot jam is cardamom.

Cardamom, rose water and saffron are the raw materials that Iranian people use to prepare variety of foods and jams, and these ingredients give a pleasant aroma and color to the jam.

This spice has a very good effect on the perfumes and the flavor of jam. Iranian carrot jam has proven in many countries due to its unique and excellent flavor.

Carrot jam ingredients | Carrot Marmalade Ingredients

how is carrot marmalade made? Usually, the same materials used to make marmalade are used in every recipe to make marmalade. Carrots and sugar and water are substances that must be used. Oranges and lemons are also used to make every type of marmalade.

Carrot jam ingredients

So in making carrot marmalade you should use carrots, sugar, water, orange and lemon. In some cases, the use of materials like ginger makes our marmalade taste better. These are carrot marmalade jam ingredients.

Carrot calories are negative, but the amount of calories in carrot jams is higher than carrots, depending on the amount of sugar used to make it.

Some people use more sugar because they want to have jam with more sweetness. This increases the calorie intake of carrot jam. Different brands of  jam productions add carrot jam calories or carrot jam nutrition facts on their packaging.

What To Do With Carrot Jam | Carrot Jam Uses

Carrot jam uses

What does carrot jam taste like? Carrot jam like other jams is a delicious dessert due to its sweet taste. Like other jams, carrot marmalade jam can also be used in every meal or for make different sweets.

What can i make with carrot jam? The use of carrot jam depends on the food culture of each country. Carrot jam process making is not complicated and till here you should know how can you make carrot jam and how to prepare carrot jam.

The most commonly carrot jam uses in many countries is to use it at breakfast. Carrot jam can be taken with pancakes or with toast. Use of carrot jam is also common for making cakes, tarts, cookies and with yogurt, after meals, in some countries.

Health Benefits Of Carrot Jam

Carrot jam process

Now you may ask yourself is carrot jam good for you?

Carrot is one of the main sources of vitamin A. Carrot marmalade jam is also rich in vitamin A because carrot is one of it’s main ingredients.

Also, carrot jam has a protein called rhodopsin, which along with vitamin A improves vision. If your vision is weak and you have dark blindness, you can increase your vision by it.

In addition, if we want to highlight the health benefits of carrot jam, we can consider vitamin K in this jam is one of the best options for increasing blood coagulation.

Carrot Jelly | Carrot Marmalade For Sale

As you should have noticed by now, we have produced all four carrot marmalade jam products in Roodin Food Industries to be able to support all the needs of our customers:

Carrot Marmalade For Sale

  1. Carrot Jam
  2. Carrot Marmalade
  3. Carrot Preserves
  4. Carrot Jelly

And we can adapt the size, volume and type of packaging of our products based on the needs of our customers. That is, from offering single-person jam packages to selling them in bulk.

There are many brands around the world that offer carrot marmalade for sale , but our difference with them in Rodin Group is two things:

The first is that we sell the famous Iranian carrot jam in bulk, and the second is the reasonable price of our products due to their high quality.

This is the reason why the best organic carrot jam price is higher than other jam in the market. Because the costs associated with organic jam production are higher than typical jam production costs.

Carrot Preserves

Given that carrot jam Iran is considered one of the best carrot jam market, a large number of carrot marmalade jam suppliers are wholesaling this product. These suppliers are looking for new buyers in global markets.

Buy Carrot Jam | Carrot Preserves

Now the question is where to buy carrot jam in bulk. To answer this question, you must first send your purchase model and order amount to the jam-producing companies.

So that these companies such as Roodin Group, can send you the price list of their products, depending on the quality and packaging model you want.

To know jam wholesale price , contact us so that we can send you the price list of our products.

Buy Carrot Jam

Various types of carrot marmalade for sale are currently available in different store and centers. But carrot preserves marmalade buyers are looking for the best taste of carrot jam to buy.

Buy carrot jam wholesale online has many benefits for the buyers. The most important of which is to find suppliers with different sales conditions.